Let's Make our own Video Game in UE4

Last night I downloaded the latest UE4 engine. The default scene has changed alot since I last used it but has what appears alot of great examples. At its core it still looks the same.


Official UE4 Documentation


World Of Level Design UE4 Tutorial List


I noticed on UDEMY there a few basic free courses. Don’t know how good they are?

Also, if you get a free trial with Skillshare, find all the courses you want and binge watch, just skipping through the videos and mark as complete. Then when your free trial finishes, you will still have access to those courses you watched and can then go back and watch them at a more casual speed (thats what happened to me).

I mean, if you get a good Trello workflow going and have things like the poly budget worked out I would enjoy helping out.

Modeling and texturing is where I’ll do work. I spent lots of time preparing models and textures for Unity previously. It is amazing how many people don’t understand unified scale and baked texture maps lol.

Trello is an amazing resource.

What I am not interested in participating in concept and feature design not relating to art design.

Was trying to recall the various project pipeline software out there (I cant even think of the official term). Cant say I have used Trello but looks nice visually.

Trello is the only project management software I’ve used, but it worked perfectly. Entire team was connected, but Concept art, 3D art, writing, and engine mechanics teams all had separate boards with individual goals and milestones.

Just a reminder that the meeting is tomorrow Thursday 14th at 1PM PST (Pacific Standard Time)
See you guys then!

@twistedsister @eladd @alessandro-nascimento-milhiolo @jeeby95 @shubham @nim86 @purbosky @eborjon31 @k1llswitch79
Hope I didn’t forget anyone. Didn’t add Crispy as he said he isn’t interested in the initial stages

will it be on blendermania?

May be pushed for time but should be able to be around for 30 minutes before I have to head to work.

We’ll make it on Zoom, I’ll share a link with you guys when the time is close

Alexander Karajan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Game Creation Zoom Meeting

Time: May 14, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 729 4491 3170

Password: 2n8eym

Oh man, i missed it! Pensive

I’m very very sorry Pray

Been watching some youtube as you do. Came across this video of a game made in UE4 by one person - Bright Memory.

He is a 3D artist but cannot program and created the game using the Blueprints system. It actually looks pretty good.


I have not played it but it goes to show what you can make if you are determined enough.

Randomly I encountered This thread, I wonder how it went.