Space Donut

… or Space Bagel, if you wish :doughnut: :bagel:

All parts of the scene are ssembled using my spaceship kitbash pack [$].


This is very fancy. Is it a generational ship?

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Thank you !

Do you mean ‘generated’ like by add-on ? It’s not. The parts are taken from a kit bash pack, but the assembling and placement of the parts are done manually (with some help from curve modifier).

Hi! I learned something new about Blender chatting with you here. However - I was thinking more like sci-fi TV - generational ship. Where generations of humans are born and bred on long journeys.

Samples of generational ships in TV lore.

Ah, I see, sorry for the confusion.

It’s not intended for generational purpose though, given the very little space for accomodation. In fact there’s only room for the pilots at the front, lol … and the rest are just machineries/engines. It’s more llike a prototype ship for new propulsion tech, I guess.

Ok. See that now. Thank you for the educational chat.

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OOOOO nice! Is it edible? lol. Awesome job as always Po!

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