Recent study on Unity

A test of an almost fully functional third-person controller

implemented features:

  1. smooth camera follow
  2. 360 degree camera view around the character
  3. smooth camera zoom in/out
  4. 4 directions character movement
  5. contextual sound fx

The “Cinemachine” and “New Input System” components make the gamedev easier, I used them in the demo.


Pretty sure you know this but, there’s a ready made system for third-person movement that comes in one of the starter kits for 2021 (or something).
The only time I can think of making it myself is when I would make something like a parkour system.
Hell, even in that people like using a rigidbody controller lol

Also, maybe use a default sound as well for footsteps?
Could help when the platform you walk on has no specific sound or something.
Just curious, why are you working on this? (All i know is that its a demo)


That’s really cool. Makes me want to create some video games lol


For 2 years now, after taking many of Alex’s great classes, I have the basics of modeling, sculpting, retopology, uv, texturing, shading, baking, animation, simulation, realtime vfx. I think it’s time to put it all together.

I’m implementing the controller from scratch because I want to know what’s going on under the hood, and my demo doesn’t use a single line of code from the official demo, I’m manually downloading the animations from mixamo, manually setting up the animation blend tree, manually implementing all the logic you see here.

Learning the hard way will make my job easier later on!

It is a test (or demo) now, but it will be a full game soon.


Ah I see, I’m going in the opposite direction of you :sweat_smile:
I learnt basics of unity and am now learning blender haha.
Even tho I plan on going into the game dev/softare engineering scene (I’m gonna go to college soon).

Also, one thing I would want to tell you (as a guy who suffered unity for 3 years), make a gdd and actually think about the game’s idea lol.
Helps with making the character controller and all.
If you ever need any help with it, don’t hesitate to send a dm :smiley:


well I mean… given that you don’t have much of an issue with stuff like modelling, it shouldn’t be too hard.
but I mean… ahem… learning programming and shaders is annoying.


yes DC is right, Anyone planning a game, make a game design doc it will keep you focused and its a whole plan to follow of your game, after you are completely done with it, mail a copy to yourself and don’t open it. It is a cheap way to kind of protect your game from being stolen, proof that you made it and its stamped with the date when it goes through the mail


haha yea :sweat_smile:
tbh, everyone says not to make your dream game either.
Start small and build up :muscle:


Yes, start small, many indie gamedev failed because they wanted to make a GTA clone in the first place.

I want to develop a series of small games by “HD remake” some ps1, psp, ps2 games with the help of AIGC.

Study some of these products gameplay logic, but use AI to replace some content to avoid copyright issues.


hmm I see
well in that case, I’d actually recommend you to go with the retro art style if you’re doing 3D games.
Mainly because trying to use high poly models is … work
First, there’s the blender work, but then there is also the optimization.
Heck, it might not even reach the audience with potato laptops lol


Implementing a side scrolling controller


haha very cool. Been playing “Unraveled Two” & now with this makes me want to make a game even more


I’d suggest using some audio fading
There are 2 ways for that:

  1. implement through code
  2. add fade effects in the audio files through something like audacity (or maybe unity as well)

Not only that, maybe you could make use of the audio mixer in unity


You can do it, don’t limit yourself to blender, this community can be a blender + indie gamedev community.

My plan is to release some small sized games on web platform like,, crazygames(and maybe integrate their sdk to get revenue? :sweat_smile:) with zero publishing cost.

And when my gamedev skills is mature, my games is polished, I can publish them on steam, app store, google play.

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Basic Save/Load mechanism :joy:


but… , maybe do that in the pause menu?
Yk… so you don’t keep respawning at the last checkpoint without wanting to :sob:


It’s just a quick implementation for testing purposes.

and here is a quick implementation of a basic combat mechanism, also a test for local multiplayer :rofl:


Damn, are you using the proton service for multiplayer?
or some other method?

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That’s awesome haha

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