Weekly Challenge #151 "Computer"

Hey Blendermaniacs! It’s time for our NEW Weekly Challenge!!!

Theme: “Computer”

Starts 12/20/2022 and ends 2/25/22 Midnight PST

Please submit your entry to THIS thread by hitting REPLY at the top right.

Comments are welcome!

Decided to do a quick bit of computer rivalry ?

Hahaha Nice!

haha nice!

Computer Evolution

Steampunk Computer

Very cool! I like the Toon shader and overall composition

There are no toon shader, principled shader with AO, +abit subsurface scattering, and grease pencil line art and some manual strokes. cant say im happy with a result, but ok, done in couple of hours. and teddy bear was painted in krita some time ago, via “how to draw a bear”, lol. thank you

Wow! Even more impressive then! Keep up the good work. I really like the way it came out.

wow that’s sick man

super cool spirt! like the style