Tubes on a curve


So my questions is I am making a model of about 40 tubes that need to be in a figure 8 path! now my question is how can i rotate it where its following the path instead of rotating each individual one. Also my tubes are getting squished as i am moving them as well. If that makes sense…

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Here is an updated pic… question still applies

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Hey Chelsea. You can do it several ways. One way is to do it with geometry nodes and the other is to do it with an array and a curve modifier. You can see both examples in the .blend below
CurveTubes.blend (922.4 KB)

Also on your second pic to get them going the right side, I would make sure that first it’s an array so you only have 1 object to edit and then in edit mode just rotate the one cylinder to get it facing the right way

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Tubes.blend (963.4 KB)

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In edit mode of your tube rotate it 90 degrees on the Z axis. Then scale it down in edit mode. Then tweak the distance X on the array until you get it where you want. The issue is they are too big and overlapping so scaling them in edit mode will fix that

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Tubes.blend (974.0 KB)

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