Trying to learn advanced animation

first was the walking cycle on Vincent (blender studios character)


Menna is learning animation after saying that animation sucks :joy: :joy:

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Very nice Menna! Bit of a pause between each cycle but otherwise looks great!

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thanks for letting me notice, I fixed it


Much better! Nicely done!

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Try to use motion path on each major bone, make them smooth. here are some of my exercise projects from my past studies.


looks awesome!!
thanks for the advice gonna try that

Running cycle

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full body action from a tutorial
(agora character)

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Very nice Menna! Look at Rocket go! :stuck_out_tongue: or I guess he’s a fox so another name lol

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front flip with Eleven

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Nice Menna! The flip itself looks pretty good. Think the pose at the end is throwing me off haha but otherwise good!

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thanks! I recognized it after rendering and yeah It’s so weird

skateboard jump


That is so sick! Haha. This is the best one yet. Very, very cool!

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