The Ultimate Hard Surface Modeling Tool for Free?

I just found that things that are hard in Blender are easy in FreeCAD, like smooth transitions between curved surfaces, and it produces perfect surface normals.

The shape is created using only CSG Boolean operations.


Very cool. How does the topology look like when imported into Blender after?

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mess, triangulate! but perfect for 3d printing and rendering

I don’t like to use paid addons to do hard surface modeling in Blender, they changed the user experience so much, after a while it will be hard to work without them.

So i think i will use FreeCAD to do hard surface modeling, at least use it on some difficult part of modeling.

if i need to change user experience to do something, i will use the perfect tool for that thing.


Here is a little example: difficult shapes in Blender are easy in FreeCAD

step 1, blocking

step 2, Fusion all parts

step 3, Add Fillet on some parts

step 4, export glb

step 5, imported to blender


Very cool. As you said it can be good for 3D printing for sure!

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If it gets the job done for you and you enjoy this work flow.then why not. In the productive world there is time vs money. Might have a look myself.

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