The most useful skill to learn as a beginner

Good afternoon Blebderers. I would like to start a topic regarding the most useful skills within Blender one can learn. Example, What can you build the most of using only a few basic skills? Is it better to learn nodes? Is it better to learn bevel? Boolean? Solidify? Sub Surface?
So if a newcomer were to focus on learning only a couple of building modifiers and a few basic skills like positioning objects, origins, and scaling, what would be an awesome combination, and how long to learn them to build a really nice basic portfolio of renders?


Texturing from projected view is the quickest way to make something look good with speed and efficiency. Especially where HOP is concerned :wink::kissing_heart: or aka Ian Herbert!!!


I would say learning modeling and modeling techniques is the most useful. You can’t do much without any models and models are a part of any project

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Thanks eladd, still don’t know what that means totally but have probably used it. Technical terms are the worst :slight_smile:

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It’s kind of what I was thinking so glad you said that :slight_smile:


@SlickFX Here are a couple of videos from the master of “project from view” usage, Ian herberts Lazy Tutorials!

Model Airconditioner

Streat Scene

Have a look at all the other videos as they are both informational, entertaining and just brilliant.

Once you try it you wil be like OOhhhhhhh!!!

Good luck :+1:

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oh, Thank you @eladd!

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WOW, This is super helpful!

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DAMN! Super helpful. Man, what a hack. If I saw that I would have thought hours of work!
makes sense to use UV projector to add the textures and images! Thank you so much!