My first 3d animations ever! 😭

Thank you for the blender course, Alex Cordebard. These are my products from the course.


Great results. Cube boy so embarrassed :flushed:

Having the realistic dirt texture really made a difference to the worm animation.

Keep the animations rolling…


Thanks for commenting. Honestly, I had a trouble when using Camera keyframes. When I set the keyframe to Loc,Rot,Scale and it only succeeds for Loc,Rot and Scale cannot be set. The keyframes can’t even connect when I duplicate them. So my camera sometimes moves erratically. I had no control over this when animating. Can you pls find the solution to fix this. :pray:


Awesome job Greenie! Well done on the animations! For the issues, could you share your .blend so I can check


untitled01.blend (903.8 KB)
Here is it. I just created a new project for testing the camera keyframe. As you see, the first camera keyframe worked normally. When I duplicate it, the duplicated keyframe connected the first one. However, the second camera keyframe at frame 60 didn’t work. The keyframe at frame 80 which I duplicated from it didn’t connect. The last keyframe at frame 120 showed the camera started to move abnormally. Instead of the camera being stationary at frames 60 to 80, it started to rotate from frame 60 to frame 120. I don’t know how can I fix this. To be sure, I inserted every keyframes on Loc,Rot,Scale and the second keyframe failed to be inserted on Rot and Scale. Please help me find out the solution. Thank you.


I don’t know if I understand the issue. If I duplicate the keyframes here from the camera, seems to work fine? Do you have screenshots of the issue happening:

I mean I duplicate the keyframe at frame 60 and why is it always separated??