My animated short film done in 2020


haha this is awesome. Sick chess set! Love the epic battle! & lol at the skeleton walking down the stairs.


Actually, I felt I needed additional knowledge of textures and lighting. Hence, I took up your course on Ultimate 3d nodes.

Thanks, Alex.


Hey always learning but it still turned out great

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The scene with the chess game in the Blender video is simply wonderful. The transformation of the chess pieces is epic, demonstrating a masterful use of animation techniques. It’s surprising that this video had fewer than 100 views on YouTube; it certainly deserves more attention. Additionally, it would be beneficial to update this chess fight scene to the latest Blender version 4. Specifically, the final sword vs. laser-sword battle could use some visual enhancements to elevate its impact even further. This scene has great potential and with a few tweaks, could become even more impressive.

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