March of Robots 2021

Partaking in March of Robots daily challenge (

I only remembered about this when it’s already on the 2nd week so there are lots to catch up, lol… Debated myself whether to make it in 3D or 2D, which resulted in more delays, but finally decided to take a break from moving vertices in 3D space and enjoy making 2-dimensional drawing instead. Anyway, here are entries for the first five themes, made entirely with Inkscape. This thread will be updated as more entries are completed.

Amazing pieces…

Thank you !

Second batch for day 6-10 :

These are fantastic Po, as are the ones above! I really love the whimsical nature of each of these. I didn’t notice the fish pilot at first lol.

Inspired designs! I like the fish, the house tank, P.Y.R.O and the canon most of all! All are very cool though! I’d have no idea these are 2D, if you said it’s 3D with a sketch filter on I’d fall for it! Well done Po, waiting to see what else you come up with in the following days!

Thanks Ab, glad you notice the pilot fish lol, it was a last minute idea. Also, there might be another pilot fish inside the pilot fish and so on a.k.a ad infinitum …

Thanks Alex! My personal favs are the cannon, sword and shield (I just noticed those are all weapons/armor, say no to violence!). Just having a brief break from 3D works, with the ‘perks’ of having to render the shading and highlight manually (a.k.a trying to be a human render engine, lol) in addition to approximating the shapes in 3D forms. Been thinking to turn some of it into 3D much later on though, let’s see.

All of the pieces are so creative and well made. I love all of them. The fish,house and path one are my favourites. Awesome work PO!

Thank you ! Still got like 20 more to go, lol.

Would be cool to see them 3D and animated! Some of these, like the sword for example would or the “run” would have pretty fun animations I think

Halfway through, still got lots to catch up though …

Very cool work Po! Loving it :slight_smile:

Thanks! ?

Day 16-20, feels like the quality is watered down by each day. Yay.

Watered down or not, it’s still some amazing water! lol These are sick.

LOL at ‘amazing water’ ? and thanks!

fantastic work Po

Thank you!

Next batch is done, now onto the last stretch !