Keyframes for Shader Vertices Not Visible

Hi all, would like to seek help on encountered challenge connected to keyframes.
Right now I’m trying to follow “The Ultimate Blender Low Poly Guide”, I’m currently looking at thee bonus section Animation lecture.

Target: Put keyframes to road via shader Mapping Node.

Issue: In Timeline Editor and Graph Editor, I am unable to see the keyframes.

  • In TIMELINE EDITOR, I tried to click on the VIEW and unticked “ONLY SHOW SELECTED”.
    Yes that shows all keyframes even the ones I did not select. But I think this would be confusing in the long run.
    Is there someway that I could only show the keyframes intended for the road?

  • In the GRAPH EDITOR, I was hoping that I could do the same to show all frames, but I did not find any option in VIEW after ticking and unticking available selections there.
    Because of this, I am unable to do add CYCLE modifier to the road.

Below image shows the keyframes in TIMELINE after unticking “ONLY SHOW SELECTED”:


Hey Blue. Could you share your .blend here so I can take a look. So the issue if I understand correctly is you are adding keyframes to the mapping node and they are not showing in the graph editor or the timeline?

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HI @blendermania , please see attached.

Yes, whenever I try to hit “I” key to insert keyframes it does not show any indicator in the TIMELINE and GRAPH. But when you play it, you would see that the road is moving.

This is only happening to the road, the car wheels are okay.

Lecture 41 - Animating Our Scene.blend (1.2 MB)

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So you want to make sure that the node that has the keyframes on it is selected. You can see in the 1st screenshot, the mapping node is not selected and doesn’t show keyframes. Whereas the second screenshot it’s selected and shows them:


Thank you so much.
I was just selecting the the mesh not the nodes.

Now I can see the keyframes. I will now be able to proceed on animating the road and car lights that focuses on node animation.

Thank you @blendermania .


Anytime. Well done on the animation, looks cool so far. Can’t wait to see it done and if you need future help, just post in the forums!