How to slow break-away with cell fracture?

What I want to do is show a meteor flying through the air with pieces of it breaking off to show a penny underneath. I’m attempting to use cell fracture to deal with this, but nothing I’m doing seems to have the intended effect other than animating each piece of the meteor. At some point I tried to use Is there a better way to do this? Additionally, any tips on how I can make the cracks inside the rock look more realistic, and less reflective/looking like obvious UV wraps?

Here you go. Hope this video helps


Working through the tutorial right now, my computer is a little slow, but wow thank you so much for this. I didn’t even know force could be used like this, and had resorted to using it like a wrecking ball over the last week, rather than your way of using force to pull the objects. Awesome!

One last question though about textures, how do I make the textures around the fractures look real? Right now only one face of each fracture looks the way it should, while the “inner” parts are black and streak-y looking. Any advice on how to fix this?


Anytime. For the texture you can simple select all the rocks and hit U and smart UV Project. Then add a mapping and texture coordinate node connected to all the images texture nodes and change the coordinate to UV

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I tried that and it helped a little bit but I’m still seeing some black/streaks in there. Do I have texture coordinate/mapping nodes set up correct here?

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go to file → resources → pack external and pack the textures and then save the .blend and upload the .blend so I can check it

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Here is the entire node layout, if that helps.

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ok one sec, I’m uploading to a google drive

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here you go

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First you need to unwrap them properly as they are not properly unwrapped. Select them all and in edit mode with everything select U → Smart UV Project

Next you can see that the UVS are all over the square grid however if you look at your texture, it just has 2 small islands and there is a bunch of black around it so that’s where you are getting the black from. Make sure your textures expands on the whole UV


Thank you so much for the help again, sorry for the late response I just got back to work. Will update when I’ve fixed the image texture

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is it possible to add a second material under properties to fill in the black gaps?

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never mind I figured this out!

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