Hour of Power Wednesday Guidelines, Rules & Explanations

Hey Blendermaniacs! Welcome to the HOUR OF POWER WEDNESDAY CHALLENGE!

How it works: Each week the challenge will be posted on Friday and the first 6 (for now) people to comment on the post will be participants for that coming challenge!

When is it: The Hour of Power will be hosted every Wednesday at 8:00pm Pacific Standard Time. Use this link to convert to your time. In the city to convert from field type in “Los Angeles, California”


Can anyone join? Absolutely! If you are not a participant, you can join as a viewer and we encourage anyone and everyone to join in and watch!

The Challenge: Once everyone is ready, I will announce the theme. Participants then have 10 minutes to think of something, gather reference images, gather textures and do whatever they want AS LONG AS THEY DO NOT TOUCH BLENDER. After the 10 minutes the challenge starts. After 1 hour I will announce the time is up and participants will have 5 minutes to put together a final render. When the 5 minutes are over all participants must hit the render image button and render out their image and leave it there for people to then vote!

The purpose: Have fun, have a good time Blending! Don’t be scared or take this serious! It’s all for fun and anyone and everyone is welcome to be a viewer or participant!


-Internal Blender Addons are Allowed, except for Asset Management or Libraries (examples: Asset Browser, Archimesh)

                 -All 3rd party Blender Addons are <b>not</b> Allowed  (<i>Any Addon you have to add manually</i>)

                 -Premade node trees are <b>not</b> allowed  (<i>textures, objects, compositing</i>)