Hour Of Power - 1 - 20 The Progression

Seeing as we have hit an all time high today with 10 participants and CJ and Myself participating in 20 HOP. I thought it would be good time post all images I have created so far.

The first 2 HOP were extremely nerve-wracking, I felt stressed, under pressure, forgot basic things but enjoyed it at the same time.

It has really improved my workflow, way of thinking on how I create an object, texture and light the scene.

I still have plenty to learn and improve but thoroughly enjoying the experience.

With each theme, I tend to come up with an idea quite quickly but think I need something different. So try to create something different that also takes me out of my comfort zone but also enables me to use new methods/techniques I have been learning.

Here are first 10 entries (upload limited to 10).

Second 10…

dude thank you… because this is inspiring… i love looking at my progression… so it really helps knowing how HOP has helped you out and knowing things will get better… thats why i look forward to hop each week… because through the week… I learned more, I got more efficient… and hop pushes that limit… very awesome… couldn’t even attempt half of these for sure yet… but nice to know I will :slight_smile:

Man you have definitely improved throughout the HOPS! So cool to see man, keep posting the progressions here :stuck_out_tongue: Cant wait to see the next 10!





Then there are the Weekly HOPs I managed to get to. Normally I only have about 30 minutes as arrive late.

Even now, I have to say I still enjoy the HOP.

As a famous person once said, ‘HOP is like a box a chocolates, you don’t know what you gonna get’!

I still enjoy the pressure, I try to introduce something new I have learnt every week. Always try to think of something different to make, not so literal to the theme but identifiable.

Many times I have bitten of more than I can chew.

Out of all my entries, I like my buzzy bee the most.

Great stuff. I keep all my 1 hrs in an artstation folder. I don’t have nearly as many as you though.

Grabbed what I thought was the better renders of my scenes and got prints made. Did two slightly larger and the bumble bee we put in a photo frame.

We will be giving it to family member as a gift who is visiting from Australia (we have a travel bubble between NZ and AU) as she will be visiting with her son now 6months old.

Growing up, most NZ kids had a bumble bee toy! What’s the next best thing, a picture!

I just threw them on a pendrive, selected and printed. I should have checked as it automatically chopped bits off which you can see here.

I think I would like to get a canvas done at some point just not sure when.

DUDE that is so cool! Love the prints concept