Four-Legged Creature for Course A-Z 3dAnimation assignment

Hi Blender colleagues. This is my assignment in progress for section on sculpting.

Thanks for taking a look!



hey JeM … looks pretty good! You smashing it and will get even better … well done! … Hows Jasper :slight_smile: ? LMK.

Thank you Strider. Jasper is doing better. We ran out of his prescription food today because of a delivery glitch. But I’m on it! ;-).

You like my 4-legged then? I like him because he is a baby elephant. I wanted to create a creature that would allow me to practice my texture paint skills.


Very well done JeM! Very impressive for one of your first sculpts! My first sculpt looked like…well let’s not even mention my first sculpt :joy:

Thank you Alex. But give yourself a break. I had the advantage of a stellar teacher ;-). :dizzy: :boom:

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