Extruding a Dream to Reality: Case 1

Small update, Phase 3 is underway with asymmetrical modeling going on. Doing the modeling on the non-attached bits of the model first, just to be sure everything goes right for that. I’ll do the stuff that’s like, extruding from the base model last, I think. There’s not much to model in Phase 3. Most of the finishing touches that really make the character are in the textures.

I have a small PSA for other Blendermaniacs out there doing this kind of thing: Make a copy not only of your file, but also of your model. If you’re not 100% sure of everything while you have the mirror modifier and are afraid you might miss some things before applying it, have a copy and if everything goes wonky with your applied modifier version, scrap it and use the copy (and then make another copy) to start over.

He’s here! He’s finally here! Done with the modeling and texturing and ready to move! Now, he does need his sword and he needs more expressions, but he’s rigged and he’s ready to pose for the camera! I can’t even begin to describe in detail how elated I am to see him completed like a true old-school game model!

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During a play-around project, I made this. Low-Poly Ryo goes walking!


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So, it’s been a long while since I last gave a note on this topic. But, I’ll be working with Ryo again soon and redoing his N64 model. This was an excellent practice run, but I’ve learned some things about modeling and textures, so I’ll be hoping that this second run will be even better!
Also, as Gral pointed out, there will be some quads in this version. The quads will be made into tris in a game engine yes, but not EVERY angle of a quad will be needing to be controlled. If I play my cards right, I might only need about half tris and half quads. But of course, everywhere a tri would help the visible shape, I’ll add them. But those it doesn’t? I’ll leave as quads. Pewter and Dayan Knight helped me think about planning my model a little better.

Ryo will also be sporting a new outfit, one that seems to have become more official for him. So there’ll be that, as well. I’ll let you know when there’s something of note to show!