College News

Hello everyone,

It’s been a while since my last visit—haha. But I have some fantastic news to share! I’ve been accepted into the Queensland University of Technology for my bachelor’s degree, where I’ll be majoring in ANIMATION. I’m incredibly excited about this new chapter in my life and eager to dive into something I’m truly passionate about.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to my instructor, Alex. Your guidance introduced me to the world of Animation and transformed it into my greatest passion and ambition. Additionally, a huge thank you to this amazing community for your continuous motivation and belief. None of this would have been possible without your support.

Thank you all once again. I look forward to continuing this journey and wish each and every one of you the best of luck in all your endeavors. :smile:


That’s awesome congratulatons!!
wish you all the best in your journey

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Dude that is awesome! Congrats! Happy to have been a part of your journey! Definitely share the stuff from your school here if you’re allowed too! Can’t wait to see what you make man! Congrats again!

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congratulations, and good luck :smiley:

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Thank you Menna!!

Thank you so much Alex. I will sure do share everything i make haha

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Thank you purple!!

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