Chase Animation Thing

I wanted to start on another animation project so I did!
This time, I’m aiming for around 2 minutes or more as opposed to the usual 30 to 40 seconds.
On top of that, this one is gonna be a competition entry for my district’s film fest!
Wish me luck y’all!

I’m gonna keep posting updates so this is gonna be on top of the forum for quite a while.

Note: The thumbnail of this post will be replaced with the previously finished scenes


Day 1: I started work on a vault which is the start of the animation.
Nothing amazing, just setting the mesh up/.


Nice man! Look forward to seeing the progress of this project!

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Day 2:
Finally finished the first environment, aka the vault area
I now need to make the first scene so I can then start work on the chase sequence!!!


Looks great man!

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Day 3:
I’m almost done with the first scene of the whole thing.
Not super long but ye
Now I added an explosion and the gates fly off!
The main dude (robot) runs through.
I couldn’t get the explosion to simulate so i ended up making an emissive flare type of thing…

I probably won’t post for some time because… school :'D
but hey, thanksgiving holiday is coming up!

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Nicely done man

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Day 4:
Today, I couldn’t do much because of the tests I have coming up.
All I did was some keyframing of the robot views and just rendered the vid.
Its not long, just 16 or so seconds ;-;

And no this is not the final sound, I’m gonna do that either in post or some time later : P


Pretty cool man! Like the explosion and running animation! Well done!

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Day 5 & 6:
Didn’t do much on day 5 so it is merged with 6.
I started out with the second scene, picked out references and ended up choosing the camera angle from the corridor scene in Oldboy.
Day 6 had more actual work and got stuff to work out… not completely but eh



That action shot on the last render! Nice!

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Day 17 (or something)

Not much has changed because all I’ve been doing is either procrastinating, dealing with school work, and trying to work with the animation.
Finally it works and now I am adding some camera angles and other things.
Decided to do some actual storyboarding too so quite some stuff has happened.


Day 18
Actually tried to render the whole thing, add a few scenes and play with camera angles.
This is the infamous “ugly” phase of the scene, well, kinda out of it but yeah the animation is janky af.

Yes it is muted (no audio yet)


This looks awesome man well done! I was trying to see what was wrong with my audio this whole time… lol

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Day 19:
Just planning stuff
Not much was done sadly
Although, I did expand the environment a bit and worked polishing some angles.

Probably going to render out tomorrow
And then work on the transition to the car chase

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Day 20:
Spent the better part of the day trying to get blender to freaking work
Got it working somehow
And then rendered the scene
This is the current (edited) version of the whole thing.
As you can see, we now have some speedlines, better transitions and a better chase scene overall.

Still no audio btw
Until we meet again!


Day 21:
Started work on the scene transitioning from the chase sequence to the car chase.
This one is gonna kinda show the second character (the runner dude’s bro) who joined the enemy forces.

The first section of the transition is done, and I also made the other character:

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Day 22:
Almost done with the transition sequence.
Was just animating today.
Won’t be able to do much for the next week cuz thanksgiving break is over (sadly)


Dang dude super awesome! It’s coming in really nice! I like the slow motion jump!

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