I also like that one
Done both of these with a colored background now, also made it a bit brighter than before
Sword draw animation!
fixed some issues on the cloth now it’s all done ^^
Super sick man
Changed some things of the scene render and made this (the camera was pre set as this was an assignment of a class):
It’s a bit noisy, not all too sure why, maybe I made the film noise too strong, but other than that I played a lot with the Blender compositor on this one, especially since I used view layers to mask out the lens flare at the beginning.
Very cool man. Very sci-fi / other worldly
Yeah that’s what I was going for, more of an abstract/surreal scifi scene ^^
It’s been quite the journey working on this character up to animating it a bit. I learned a lot and in the end had fun with this project of mine. Here is the final reel of all the animations:
Very well done man! It has been quite the journey! I like the sword bending when he brings it down!
The sword bends when drawn, but also during the two swing attack. It also stretches at the end of the stab, it’s subtle, but a neat little detail I’ve added ^^
Thats really awesome!
Thank you!