Blender LIVE Hour of Power Challenge #179

Join in the “Hour of Power” challenge for 9/30/23 at 12 noon PST!
Check rules and guidelines HERE

Congrats to @Naya for winning the HOP “ChatGPT Prompt” with this cool render!


Prompt : Amidst a surreal, alien landscape, a phosphorescent, otherworldly flower emits a soft, ethereal glow, casting an enchanting light on the strange, luminescent flora that surrounds it.


Feeling lonely and Blue


Alone in the jungle


In a vibrant meadow, a radiant sunflower stands tall, its golden petals stretching towards the clear blue sky, while a gentle breeze sways the surrounding wildflowers.

HOP “ChatGTP Prompts”
  • purbosky
  • phillip
  • dreamingin3d
  • Naya
0 voters

1 Naya: In a vibrant meadow, a radiant sunflower stands tall, its golden petals stretching towards the clear blue sky, while a gentle breeze sways the surrounding wildflowers.

2 Purbosky: Amidst a surreal, alien landscape, a phosphorescent, otherworldly flower emits a soft, ethereal glow, casting an enchanting light on the strange, luminescent flora that surrounds it.

3 Dreaming: Within a bustling urban jungle, a solitary, graffiti-covered concrete planter hosts a resilient, delicate orchid, its fragile beauty contrasting with the gritty, chaotic backdrop of the city.

4 Phil: In a mystical, enchanted forest, a mystical blue rose blossoms at the base of an ancient, gnarled oak tree, its petals exuding an iridescent shimmer that hints at the secrets of the forest’s magical aura.

Congrats to @Naya for winning the HOP “ChatGPT Prompt” with this cool render!