blender 2.69 does not like my graphics card- i assume

blender 2.69 does not like my graphics card- i assume.

any ideas anyone? works on my old slow win 10, just not the new one

does anyone use this forum any more?

Somebody must have the answer!

What is your computer specs in the computer you are running it on , cpu,video card , list as much as you can please

Also it could be as simple as going into preferences>system and making sure the ccard or cpu is selected, tho I do not have 2.69 or ever had it. I am just trying to help and get the specs of your computer pls

it is a windows 10, where do i get what you need?

and where in blender do i find what you need

thanks for your help

also i did not get an email to say you had answered.

there must be a box to tick on this forum.

any ideas?

where it says CPU under compute device can you cange it from CPU to the video card and what video card is it? If its CUDA compatible you will hav to enable it there next to NONE. Also to get email I think you have to subscribe to the forum at the top right of the forum you wish to receive emails from.


i switched it to the CUDA which found GE Force RTX 3060. i assume that is the video card in the computer.

no change in colours- anything else i can change?

email- all boxes are ticked but no email arrives.


would anybody please reply just so i can test that the “email when some kind person replies” is working


Hey Anon. It depends if you have Gmail or yahoo. In Gmail it may go to the “promotions tab” part of gmail or it may have gone to the “spam” folder so make sure to check those

Thank you-

it came thru okay, but as wordpress- wish it said blendermania 3d!

Now we need someone to help with the colours!

C’mon guys- somebody on Blendermania3D must know the answer!

The solution I’ve found that works the best with things like this is updating graphic card drivers. Sometimes if they are outdated, it can cause issues with colors and viewport things

UH OH this computer never connects to the internet!

You can download the drivers to another computer and then move them to that computer via a usb stick

the blender software is OLDER than the win10 computer- newer software on the win 10 wont help old blender software