Animation Test. Traveling ball

Hi everyone!! Long time no see. I´ve been busy these months but now I´m back at learning more about Blender. Specially the animation field. This is my first animation test. I struggled with the timing on graph editor but I finally noticed I wanted the ball to FEEL alive instead of a moving lifeless object. So I tweaked the keyframe curves and made it look like the little guy is traveling somewhere, struggling to make another jump and gain some speed.

Any feedback is appreciated. I want to be more active on this wonderful community. Really miss exploring the new projects posted here.

PD: I wanted to upload the video here but had to use a YT link instead. The site won´t let me upload videos here for some reason (it´s a mp4 video)

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That’s awesome man! Well done! It’s a character in it of itself :stuck_out_tongue: Definitely look forward to having you back in the community & posting! As for the Mp4, will have to look into it. How large was the file?

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The size is 468 KB. And thank you!! next experiment is about character animation

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