Mannequin Lesson

Love it too !
It should have been submitted in the “My pet” weekly contest…?

Test for my dragon

wow drift! this is so cool. The animation look great

DUDE! That is so EPIC!!!

Ok this Awesome!!! ???

Pencil, Paper and Desk have begun to assemble together. The stage is getting underway!

Long time no update. Having paused this for the creation of the Megazord, contests, then just plummeting down into a Blender rut, I felt that if I wasn’t putting anything out, I should be taking some things in. Maybe I can do more if I learn more. So, I’ve continued with this lesson and gotten to the point of making some things more colorful.

Here’s hoping more will be made after new input has given a method to plans.


I also took Alex’s Ultimate Character Creation course and learned a lot. My take on Inverse Kinematics: Yes, a bit difficult to understand. Yes, a bit difficult to set up. Yes, definitely worth it, especially for the legs. I encourage you. I think you’ll like it for animating. And Alex teaches it well so you’ll get it.


Given my long round of updates about the dragon, I feel I should make this announcement of my plans, the version of this lesson with said dragon will not be the first one I make. I’ll be doing my take on the lesson as instructed just so I can get a feel for how the mechanics work. Once I have that, then I’ll add the version with the dragon to show proof of what I’ve retained.

Going a little further in the mannequin lesson. Added sketches and pages. Everything on there was sketched by me.