Extruding a Dream into Reality: Case 2

Progress has been made on the game functionality. Thanks to Light’s insight, I got a video to show of what’s been done so far:

What we have are:

  • Player movement

  • Player shooting and charge shots

  • Player getting hurt

  • Player ledge grabbing

  • Player Dash Attack

  • Moving enemies

  • Enemies that can track you

  • Health regen (subtle but present)

There’s a lot that went into this little bit, alone. When a new video comes, it’ll be in a more… “level-like” configuration.

Update: Game has progressed with some minor additions. The Currency system has been added, adding an indicator in the top-right corner of currency collected. This is gained through tiny computer chips called Bits and larger ones called Bytes (A Byte is worth 8 Bits). So far, the only way to gain Bits is through defeating enemies. Also, the possible upgrade “Data Magnet” has been added.

SpyBorg now reacts slightly differently to being hurt, depending on if it’s Armor Damage or Critical Damage. He’s more bracing himself when it’s Armor, but fully feeling the pain in Critical.

SpyBorg’s idle stance now differs depending on how much Critical Health he has. 3 or less results in him holding his arm and breathing more heavily than normal to indicate he’s injured.