Blender LIVE Hour of Power Challenge #8

I voted for it. I really like the abstract feel.

I quite liked it actually, it’s like an airbaloon ride to an alien planet or something… Pretty nice, and memorable!

Nice one man, I like your style which is weird because I don’t normally like low poly things. Well done!

I spent almost the whole hour looking at your trying to figure this out… In the end I had to vote for it you won me over :stuck_out_tongue:

					Well done Simon, you got a lot done for 1 hour!  That's some very good modelling job there!

Nice one CJ, I like the addition of the flag! Well done man!

Well done abless, great job on this one!

Congrats on winning Arc. Next time I’d like to see you jump out of your comfort zone and do something different instead of a mechanical robot thing like you always do and have clearly mastered.

Very cool eladd, I like that you made it ran over the trenches instead of just leave it on standing on the ground, it gives it a movement and a bit of storytelling, I like that!

Here is the recording for HOP #8 “Bigger Than A Car”