Time Zone Hour Conversion Table

Assembling this as sometimes there are confusions about different time zones. This table will be more useful especially when setting up online meeting schedule to obtain information of available time windows across different time zones without having to go back and forth converting the time. Data is taken from: Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator
Reference city/time is Los Angeles (PST/UTC-8), corresponding time for other cities can then be read from the table. Cells with light blue background is AM (morning to noon), dark blue background is PM (evening to midnight). Example: the Hour of Power is set at 12 PM PST (Los Angeles time), in London it will be 2 PM, Rome is 9 PM, Melbourne is 5 AM, and so on.

A few notes:

  • There are some cities which are not exactly as shown as the table only list one hour time interval so the hour is shown as earlier one (for example in city A is 02:00 while in city B is 03:30, city B is shown as 03:00). The list can be added later on for more cities if needed.
  • Haven't thought about the day conversion, but for comparison, taking example the Hour of Power is at Saturday (Los Angeles time) which is the same for region in PM time (dark blue), while those in AM time (light blue) is at Sunday (the day after).
  • Comments & suggestions welcome :)

thanks po Thumbsup

tht makes thing easier thanks broFire

Thanks Frans! Hope the city/time is suitable for your location, if not, just let me know :slight_smile:

Thanks man! If you have suggestions for city/hour don’t hesitate to tell me Thumbsup