Jelly Donut from that gum tutorial

How would I make the ‘gum’ more jelly like? Can you put cloth modifiers on? 

I dug out me 'ol Blender Guru Donut tutorial and made a jelly donut shape.

Got the jelly to stretch but not gloop.

Can’t seem to get bubbles inside of jelly.

That looks freaking amazing Cats! For bubles inside of the jelly have you tried using a particle system?

You could probable blend in a voronoi texture to mimic bubbles too.

I got veronoi on the clear coat and when I first tried it on the jelly itself it wouldn’t let the light through.

Here is the animation. Wish I could slow it down without having to rerender every frame again as a png like I did.

I am not understanding particle systems yet. I don’t know how to do that and make them stretch. I tried putting a cloth modifier on the jelly part to make it droopy and goopy but it froze up blender. Couldn’t figure out how to delete the cloth modifier either so I had to open up a previously saved file and start over at an earlier point.

I got a chance today to understand particle systems a little more in-depth today, cool stuff.

Very cool stuff Cats!

Got a sag. Used a bendy bone.

Animation didn’t work quite right but I am done messing with it now. Learned some things.

Very cool and intuitive using a bendy bone! Nicely done Cats!

Just a quick tip, the particle system can be made into objects which in turn can be joined or parented to a mesh. So for example you can create an icosphere then on the “jelly” you can add a hair particle system. Generate from volume and select in the rendered options under the particle settings the icosphere. Once you have the proper number of particles you want in the jelly you can then go into the modifier tab of the jelly and click “convert”. Those spheres will now be converted into individual objects which you can now join “Ctrl+J” to the Jelly, they will now be one mesh with the jelly and then you can remove the particle system. Then you can create the mesh deform as you wish and everything will move.

It’s looking sweet…